I attended NordSec2017: Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems in Tatru, Estonia as part of the student delegation, where I got to present a research poster on what I had been working on – “Protect your Privacy in Big Electrical Data” – as well as interact with other students, professors, and researchers who were working on a wide variety of topics, all with the common intention of making improving security and privacy for all.

My little research work was, essentially, conducting a literature review of smart grid communications technology and the use of cloud computing for smart meters, surveying Cryptonite and the StrongBox model of key management, studing Privacy Preserving Data Mining mechanisms, as well as offering potential mitigations to privacy concerns of smart meters by using a combination of Searchable Encryption and Privacy Preserving Data Mining. You can see the research poster for yourself by clicking here.

See also: LNCS 10674